Court Services Expanded

Family court services are no longer limited to just emergency matters. Across the province, both the Ontario Court of Justice and the Superior Court of Justice have now provided details about the expanded court services that are being offered remotely until at least July 6th . The May 13th Consolidated Notice from the Superior Court of Justice is posted online at . Regional practices directions set out the details on the process and types of cases that can now move forward. In Toronto, the full suite of services is now available including case conferences, motions, settlement conferences and issuing new applications and motions to change. But, there are strict rules about the procedures to be followed which must be reviewed carefully at . Other regions have slightly different rules. The good news is that all the up to date regional notices can be accessed through links on the May 13th Consolidated Practice Direction from the Chief Justice. For the Ontario Court of Justice, see my post on May 6th for the expanded services and links . Unfortunately the OCJ has not posted its Covid-19 protocols on the court website, so it is still necessary to contact the local courthouse directly for the most up-to-date information.